Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The House of Da Vinci 3 Escape Room Games and Puzzles Studio

the house of da vinci

Insert the forged metal ornament here, which is an aiming device. Use the Oculi Infinitum again and look to the right to see your target in the distance. Use the crank to the right to rotate the siege tower to the right. Look through the aiming device to make sure you are aimed at the glowing target. Turn the small wheel at the back of the siege tower, then use the trigger again to light another flame. Zoom in to the slot near the the back and slide the latch to the left.

La Casa Natale di Leonardo - House Where Leonardo Was Born

Interview: How The House of Da Vinci 3 is the Perfect Sequel - AppAdvice

Interview: How The House of Da Vinci 3 is the Perfect Sequel.

Posted: Tue, 09 Aug 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In this puzzle, you need to move the large colored stones between the smaller stones of the same color. Now pull open the drawer and take out the glove (on which you mount the Oculi Infinitum). It’s pretty good, the graphics are great and the game is challenging. They basically copied “the room” game mechanics, along with the eye piece, puzzle style and hint system. Although it’s a quality game, playing it came with some frustration. Some of the puzzles made very little sense to me and were not fun to solve.

Game file size

the house of da vinci

Notice that all the shapes in this liquid are tetrahedra. Take the medallion from the opened compartment at the base of the microscope. Back out so you can look at the right side of this table. Insert the medallion here, then rotate it, open the hatch and pick up a lever from inside. Rotate the wheel until you can see a hexagon and a diamond formed by the rotating shape segments.

Time Machine

Use your Oculi Infinitum for a hint about another number in the sequence. Set the numbers to the Fibonacci sequence from bottom to top (I, II, III, V, VIII, XIII). Pull open the bottom segment of the tower and take out part of Da Vinci's model. Focus on the top of the tower and insert this part.


Use the Oculi Infinitum to see some blue glowing outlines. Once correct, another set of doors will open and you will proceed through. Look at the middle of the large globe and move aside the 2 halves of the cover. Pull open the halves of the outer shell of the globe to reveal a complex-looking surface with two lenses. Go back to the desk with the microscope and place the wooden box on the right.

The House of Da Vinci review - A mystery worth being solved? - Pocket Gamer

The House of Da Vinci review - A mystery worth being solved?.

Posted: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Look up to the top of the cabinet to see that the hexagonal hole is blocked by bars. Look down to the rose below and press the small button above it - this will remove the bars. Now you can insert the dodecahedron into the hexagonal hole, then pull open the panel and a puzzle will be revealed below. Rotate the 4 corner figures around the rectangle here. Spin around to see the golden drawer on the other side of the cabinet at the same level. Pull the drawer open and take out the wrench with a cross head.

Rotate the wooden cover, then slide the metal cover to the right, so you can take the special geometric object. Examine this in your inventory and move the two small switches, then flip the end pieces to create a dodecahedron. Look inside the opened left drawer and pick up the valve mechanism. Read the crumpled note, then slide the small slider inside the drawer. Now look inside the opened right drawer and pick up the weight-shaped tool.

the house of da vinci


I managed to get through it in about four hours and I was impressed about just how tight it felt. Now, I've been a fan of The Room series from the beginning, and this game is the most blatant copy I've ever seen. The Oculi that you receive in the first chapter are clearly direct rip offs of the Eye piece from all three room games. Although the second Oculi is more original, and I did quite like the time travel theme, I wish it had been used more often. Now, this isn't to say I didn't enjoy this game, in fact, I quite like it.

Good game! Very unoriginal.

Sometimes the hint would say “maybe I should use this item in my inventory but where? Also the hints would try to forward you to a certain location with an obscure description of it. If you have played them and looking for a similar game, this would do. Enter The House of Da Vinci, a new must-try 3D puzzle adventure game.

Next examine the top of the scythe, and use your screwdriver on it, then rotate the screwdriver anticlockwise. After the blade drops down, take out the strange key that is revealed. Drag both bits of the key down to the bottom to create a small completed key. Now look over at the top of the hourglass held by the statue on the right.

Rotate this clockwise to lower a panel, then take the wooden shaft. Drag two corners down, then smaller wooden pieces out, so you can take a foldable wooden handle. Use your metal tool on it, then fold it closed to create a screwdriver. Back out for now and return to the standing knight. Look at the top of its helmet to see a depression with four points sticking out from a middle circle. Examine the weight-shaped tool in your inventory.

Look up to the open panel above, grabbing the disc with a long groove. Go down to the puzzle below and insert the disc with a long groove here. Use this to rearrange the 4 numbered pieces to match the adjacent numbers. Slide out the small wooden catches, rotate the container, then take the three-piece object with a threaded rod. Examine this in your inventory and rotate the ends to create a sphere. Return back upstairs and approach the small table against the wall again.

Pick up the hexagonal metal object that is revealed. Examine this in your inventory and twist the handle to turn it into a star-shaped medallion. Insert this into the back of the tower, then slide it down. Open the tower fully and take out the wooden cylinder. Examine this in your inventory - slide the latch, then fold the arm until you create a crank.

Insert this into the corner of the palace where a tower is missing, and rotate it until it sticks. After the palace adjusts, look at the back of it where the light beam aims at a holder. Examine the scepter-like object in your inventory; slide the small latch up, then open the sides to reveal a lens on a long shaft. Place this in the holder, then drag the holder down, and the lens will catch the light beam. Rotate the holder to the left, and the light will be directed around the mirrors on the corners of the palace. In your inventory, examine the metal cylinder with rings, and attach your ornamental head.

Slide the top and bottom middle diamonds over the scratch marks, then pull open a secret compartment and take a metal lever. Go all the way back out to the suit of armor again. Examine the breastplate and insert your metal tool with arms, then turn it so the suit opens.

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